samedi 15 octobre 2011

EU summit 'will be decisive' on eurozone crisis

EU summit 'will be decisive' on eurozone crisis. Discussed about a plan. The plan needs to be finalised by next weekend's EU summit in Brussels.

A European Union summit later this month will agree "decisive" measures to tackle the eurozone debt crisis, the French finance minister has said.

- The summit would give "clear answers", said Francois Baroin at the end of talks between ministers from the G20 group of nations in Paris.

- Central banks "would continue to supply banks with liquidity".

- Emerging economies - whose growth helped support the world economy during the global crisis - are starting to be affected by weaknesses in the advanced economies.

- Details of the rescue plan discussed in Paris include a bigger write-down than previously expected of Greek debt, a much more powerful European.

- The G20 ministers said they welcomed the measures "to increase the capacity and the flexibility of the EFSF [European Financial Stability Facility]".

- The EFSF has been used to fund bailout packages for Ireland and Portugal but there have been fears it will not be able to cope if it is needed to rescue larger economies such as Spain and Italy, both of which have had their credit ratings downgraded in recent weeks.

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