Should China rush to the rescue of the eurozone, after they announced their rescue deal?
Listen online Jim Rogers discusses
Europe Seeks Chinese Investment in Euro Rescue
Is China the only or the best nation and économic system to help the eurozone to come back as a most richess continent.
In front of USA and Africa, Europe got a shot to play with chalanging and stratégic money for business.
Now it's no more a question of money or debt, it's question of time, to know what would be the issue of debt crisis, not also in the eurozone, but around the world...
Business Resources is an économic analysis and stratégic consulting office. To have a global and complete view about économy, stratégy and business - This blog to talk about the world & leadership économy, the géostrategy and business/markets - Blog d'information sur l'économie mondiale et les critères stratégiques géostratégiques
vendredi 28 octobre 2011
mercredi 26 octobre 2011
La gestion du risque
"La maîtrise des risques n'a jamais été aussi impérative. Aussi bien pour le gérant de portefeuille que pour l'investisseur particulier, bien en mal de retrouver ses repères en ces temps non pas d'exubérance irrationnelle, mais de débâcle qui l'est tout autant..."
Ce qui caractérise un marché international en période de crise, c’est tout d’abord le manque de visibilité. Il est en effet assez dur de se positionner lorsque l’information arrive au compte goûte, et bien souvent au dernier moment.
Il est donc difficile pour un entrepreneur de prendre des décisions s’il n’a pas toutes les données du problème à temps pour définir sa stratégie
La représentation du marché :
I - Données stratégiques
1/ Le marché et votre activité (diagnostic) :
Percevoir et déterminer les éléments majeurs qui peuvent mettre en danger la pérennité de votre activité et ceux qui pourront contribuer au développement de votre entreprise
2/ Les leviers économiques (éléments déterminants) :
Les acteurs influents, les produits et services phares
3/ Perspectives et développement (préconisations) :
La gestion des coûts (perspectives, acquis, investissements)
- A l’étude de votre bilan, déterminez les charges dont vous ne pouvez vous passer.
- Pour les autres charges, quelles sont les solutions qui à vos yeux existent pour diminuer leurs coûts, si elles sont importantes
II - Les indicateurs qui peuvent influer sur votre décision :
- 4p (promotion, price, place, product)
- Diamant de porter
- 5 forces de porter
1/ Hypothèses de croissance du marché
A) Quelle est l’importance de votre marché à l’international ? Qui sont les producteurs, les distributeurs, comment sont organisés les réseaux de diffusion/distribution
- Quels sont les acteurs principaux du marché et que proposent-ils ?
- Quelles sont les offres à venir et comment sont-elles caractérisées ?
B) Comment s’organise le marché sur le plan national
Financement, investissements, clients, distribution, prix
2/ Perspectives
Pouvez-vous évaluer les perspectives de croissance de votre marché dans les 18 mois qui suivront vos investissements.
Les réponses de votre marché
- Crédit, prêt, leviers financiers : système bancaire, solidité économique, budgétaire, monétaire et politique de votre marché.
- Marge de manœuvre : que pouvez-vous négocier avec vos fournisseurs
- Chiffre d’affaires : potentiel économique de vos clients
3/ Les acquis, les investissements
- « par expérience, je sais que… », selon ce vieil adage, quels sont les éléments déterminants qui font la force de votre entreprise et mettent en valeur son image.
A) Les acquis
Pouvez-vous déterminer les facteurs qui sont indissociables de la longévité de votre entreprise et qui font échos au marché.
- Quelle est leur impact sur votre activité,
- Sont-ils intégrés à votre image de marque, à la qualité de votre savoir faire…
- Quelle importance vos clients et fournisseurs leur accordent-ils
B) Les investissements
Pouvez-vous renouveler la confiance de vos clients et de vos fournisseurs sur des investissements futurs.
1/ Comment votre crédibilité est-elle perçue vis-à-vis de vos clients et vos fournisseurs ?
2/ Est-elle liée à votre savoir faire, à votre réactivité, aux process mis en place pour votre production…
Comment vos futurs investissements ont-ils été pris en considération :
- Est-ce votre vision ou perception vis-à-vis de l’évolution de votre marché
- Est-ce un retours terrain…
Le flop de l'industrie Française
On peut lire ce jour dans la presse: "Mauvaises nouvelles pour l'industrie française"
Peut-on s'en étonner? Non, assurément, non!!!
L'industrie Française a mauvaise réputation depuis maintenant la fin des années 70.
Patronat et syndicat n'ont jamais pu s'entendre.
Déjà sur le plan national, les conflits sociaux et les divergences de points de vue entre salariés et patrons est une réalité. A savoir, peu de salariés s'intéressent au coût d'exploitation d'une PME. rare sont ceux qui ont une réelle connaissance d'un bilan, du coût d'une masse salarial, etc.
En contre partie, les patrons qui souhaitent améliorer les conditions de travail des salariés compétents ont des marges de manœuvre absolument ou quasiment nulles...
Ce qui peut encore sauver notre industrie?
Un retour de la compétitivité (plutôt compliqué en cette période de crise), une représentation syndicale forte, un patronat avec de réelles marges de manœuvre...
Bref, au rythme ou vont les choses, nos enfants auront peut-être la chance de connaitre ce modèle social et économique Français...!!!
Les futurs leviers de l'industrie Française:
La crise va-t-elle offrir à la France les leviers nécessaires pour se maintenir, aux côtés de l'Allemagne, dans la course à la compétitivité internationale.
Face à la chute industrielle de l'ensemble des pays d’Europe, pour ne pas dire la désertification, le train de la croissance industrielle peut effectivement se jouer en s’immisçant dans le sillage de la politique d'exportation de l'Allemagne et en imposant le savoir faire Français sur des marchés comme la chine ou encore l’Europe de l'est...
Les facteurs de stabilité et/ou de croissance
- qualité de la matière première
- qualité main d’œuvre, savoir faire
- process d'industrialisation
D’où l'importance de s'entendre sur une Europe Fédérale et politique, pour défendre l'harmonisation des masses et charges salariales, la gestion des coûts de production, mais surtout une harmonisation fiscale, au moins entre les pays de la zone Euro, pour permettre une égalité entre les états dans la gestion de leur balance liée au commerce extérieur.
A voir: Comment sauver l'industrie Française Les Clés de l’Éco sur i>TÉLÉ
Les futurs leviers de l'industrie Française:
La crise va-t-elle offrir à la France les leviers nécessaires pour se maintenir, aux côtés de l'Allemagne, dans la course à la compétitivité internationale.
Face à la chute industrielle de l'ensemble des pays d’Europe, pour ne pas dire la désertification, le train de la croissance industrielle peut effectivement se jouer en s’immisçant dans le sillage de la politique d'exportation de l'Allemagne et en imposant le savoir faire Français sur des marchés comme la chine ou encore l’Europe de l'est...
Les facteurs de stabilité et/ou de croissance
- qualité de la matière première
- qualité main d’œuvre, savoir faire
- process d'industrialisation
D’où l'importance de s'entendre sur une Europe Fédérale et politique, pour défendre l'harmonisation des masses et charges salariales, la gestion des coûts de production, mais surtout une harmonisation fiscale, au moins entre les pays de la zone Euro, pour permettre une égalité entre les états dans la gestion de leur balance liée au commerce extérieur.
A voir: Comment sauver l'industrie Française Les Clés de l’Éco sur i>TÉLÉ
mercredi 19 octobre 2011
The US debt
18 October 2011
China’s forex drop looks suspicious: analyst
China’s foreign-exchange reserves fell in September, racking up the biggest monthly drop on record and spurring skepticism from one analyst, who said the drop appeared deliberate.
- Bank of China last Friday showed China’s foreign exchange reserves fell $60.82 billion in September
- U.K.-based Capital Economics said in a note Monday it was unlikely that China sold any of its reserves to help support the value of the yuan during the month
- A portion of September’s drop could be attributed to changes in the value of underlying holdings.
- China could be seeking to cool the rate of growth in its multi-trillion dollar forex stockpile
19 October 2011
China cuts holdings of US debt after ratings downgrade. It has reduced its holdings of US debt to their lowest level in a year, after the US's credit rating was downgraded by Standard & Poor's (S&P).
Largest foreign buyer of US government debt sold $36.5bn (£23.2bn) in US Treasuries or bonds to cut its holding to $1,137bn in August, latest data by the US Treasury department showed.
"Asia countries are sitting on large dollar-denominated assets already, so they can afford to take a longer view," "They would have been the ones most concerned about a downgrade on their current holdings,"
Analysts said that the complete picture of China's Treasury holdings is in Europe.
China buys some of its Treasuries through London.
United Kingdom and Switzerland have been concerns that the debt crisis in some European economies may hurt growth in the region. They increased their holdings by almost $40bn each, while Japan increased its investment by $21.8bn to $936.8bn.
Last year, the Treasury department revised up China's holdings by $268bn when it published its revised figures.
China’s forex drop looks suspicious: analyst
China’s foreign-exchange reserves fell in September, racking up the biggest monthly drop on record and spurring skepticism from one analyst, who said the drop appeared deliberate.
- Bank of China last Friday showed China’s foreign exchange reserves fell $60.82 billion in September
- U.K.-based Capital Economics said in a note Monday it was unlikely that China sold any of its reserves to help support the value of the yuan during the month
- A portion of September’s drop could be attributed to changes in the value of underlying holdings.
- China could be seeking to cool the rate of growth in its multi-trillion dollar forex stockpile
19 October 2011
China cuts holdings of US debt after ratings downgrade. It has reduced its holdings of US debt to their lowest level in a year, after the US's credit rating was downgraded by Standard & Poor's (S&P).
Largest foreign buyer of US government debt sold $36.5bn (£23.2bn) in US Treasuries or bonds to cut its holding to $1,137bn in August, latest data by the US Treasury department showed.
"Asia countries are sitting on large dollar-denominated assets already, so they can afford to take a longer view," "They would have been the ones most concerned about a downgrade on their current holdings,"
Analysts said that the complete picture of China's Treasury holdings is in Europe.
China buys some of its Treasuries through London.
United Kingdom and Switzerland have been concerns that the debt crisis in some European economies may hurt growth in the region. They increased their holdings by almost $40bn each, while Japan increased its investment by $21.8bn to $936.8bn.
Last year, the Treasury department revised up China's holdings by $268bn when it published its revised figures.
mardi 18 octobre 2011
The ETF Volatility Equation
In September we hosted a webinar on the Fundamentals of ETFs with Eric Pollackov from Charles Schwab and Laura Morrison from the NYSE’s ETF group. The timing seems to have been very good given the onslaught of media attention to ETF trading and the possible effects on underlying stocks. With volatility through the roof lately, everyone is looking for something or someone to blame and ETFs, particularly leveraged ETFs, have been an easy target.
A leveraged exchange traded fund uses derivatives to amplify returns. Designed for investors with very high risk appetites, these ETFs aim to provide returns of double or triple the returns of the underlying index (the losses are also magnified).
NYSE euronext, New Views on Market Volatility Market News, Thought Leadership. NYSE euronext
NYSE euronext, New Views on Market Volatility Market News, Thought Leadership. NYSE euronext
China’s economy
Oct. 17, 2011
China is heading into an economic storm, and the much-feared hard-landing of the world’s second-largest economy has already started.
“The only way the Chinese government can continue to bail out everyone is to print more money, which will lead to inflation. But people are depositing money [in banks] at below inflation,” says Jim Chanos hedge-fund manager of Kynikos Associates on Monday.
“The numbers are falling faster than we thought,” “Real estate sales in September and October, which are peak months, fell 40%-60% on-year,” “People are buying into the idea of perpetual growth,” ‘Are you really growing?’”
Oct. 18, 2011
China’s economy grew in the third quarter at a slightly weaker pace than expected.
Third-quarter gross domestic product rose 9.1% from a year earlier, easing from the second quarter’s 9.5% gain, the National Bureau of Statistics reported.
The data comes amid fears that a slowdown in the US and Europe's debt crisis may also hurt China's growth.
“Growth has come in lower than market expectations, but we remain of the opinion that the Chinese economy continues to chug toward a soft landing, even as the risk of a hard landing is rising on account of weakness in advanced economies,” said IHS Global Insights China analyst Alistair Thornton in Beijing.
China has witnessed robust growth in past few years. But the rapid expansion has come at a price.
Consumer price inflation in the country has been above the central bank's target and there have been concerns of the formation of asset bubbles.
China is heading into an economic storm, and the much-feared hard-landing of the world’s second-largest economy has already started.
“The only way the Chinese government can continue to bail out everyone is to print more money, which will lead to inflation. But people are depositing money [in banks] at below inflation,” says Jim Chanos hedge-fund manager of Kynikos Associates on Monday.
“The numbers are falling faster than we thought,” “Real estate sales in September and October, which are peak months, fell 40%-60% on-year,” “People are buying into the idea of perpetual growth,” ‘Are you really growing?’”
Oct. 18, 2011
China’s economy grew in the third quarter at a slightly weaker pace than expected.
Third-quarter gross domestic product rose 9.1% from a year earlier, easing from the second quarter’s 9.5% gain, the National Bureau of Statistics reported.
The data comes amid fears that a slowdown in the US and Europe's debt crisis may also hurt China's growth.
“Growth has come in lower than market expectations, but we remain of the opinion that the Chinese economy continues to chug toward a soft landing, even as the risk of a hard landing is rising on account of weakness in advanced economies,” said IHS Global Insights China analyst Alistair Thornton in Beijing.
China has witnessed robust growth in past few years. But the rapid expansion has come at a price.
Consumer price inflation in the country has been above the central bank's target and there have been concerns of the formation of asset bubbles.
Markets profits fall
All titles today in international markets and business press
- Bank shares fall in Europe
- Asia stocks see sharp falls
- China data show slightly smaller growth picture
- Dow's back in red for 2011
China's markets falling down, Euro area on the same way...
May be the end of euro zone in the next days or weeks.
- Bank shares fall in Europe
- Asia stocks see sharp falls
- China data show slightly smaller growth picture
- Dow's back in red for 2011
China's markets falling down, Euro area on the same way...
May be the end of euro zone in the next days or weeks.
dimanche 16 octobre 2011
Apple citi lead market
What could save the citi and the Apple business and market... this week!!!!
The citi values wait for a new perspective this week, with a big slate of earnings reports from the tech and banking sectors.
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- Nasdaq Composite Index
- S&P 500 Index
- Apple Inc.
David Rolfe,“The big gun is Apple”. “We’re actually expecting a really big beat on the Street and the company’s forecasts. The biggest movers in terms of where they really could beat expectations are the iPhone and iPad.”
Values from internet and SEO could be a good target....
The citi values wait for a new perspective this week, with a big slate of earnings reports from the tech and banking sectors.
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- Nasdaq Composite Index
- S&P 500 Index
- Apple Inc.
David Rolfe,“The big gun is Apple”. “We’re actually expecting a really big beat on the Street and the company’s forecasts. The biggest movers in terms of where they really could beat expectations are the iPhone and iPad.”
Values from internet and SEO could be a good target....
samedi 15 octobre 2011
Trade Pact between Japan and EU
Japan and European Union agreed on Saturday into a free-trade pact. Talks for a deal, for exports to its third-largest trading partner.
"We still have a long way to go, but the objective is now clear," (...) "Some might say we have not gone far enough, I say we should not underestimate the political meaning of our decision." (...) "the potential economic and political results of the decision are huge in terms of jobs, growth and shared destiny," if an agreement is reached after an initial "scoping exercise" designed to set the parameters of trade talks.
says European Council President Herman Van Rompuy to European press.
Online, Marketwatch
"We still have a long way to go, but the objective is now clear," (...) "Some might say we have not gone far enough, I say we should not underestimate the political meaning of our decision." (...) "the potential economic and political results of the decision are huge in terms of jobs, growth and shared destiny," if an agreement is reached after an initial "scoping exercise" designed to set the parameters of trade talks.
says European Council President Herman Van Rompuy to European press.
Online, Marketwatch
EU summit 'will be decisive' on eurozone crisis
EU summit 'will be decisive' on eurozone crisis. Discussed about a plan. The plan needs to be finalised by next weekend's EU summit in Brussels.
A European Union summit later this month will agree "decisive" measures to tackle the eurozone debt crisis, the French finance minister has said.
- The summit would give "clear answers", said Francois Baroin at the end of talks between ministers from the G20 group of nations in Paris.
- Central banks "would continue to supply banks with liquidity".
- Emerging economies - whose growth helped support the world economy during the global crisis - are starting to be affected by weaknesses in the advanced economies.
- Details of the rescue plan discussed in Paris include a bigger write-down than previously expected of Greek debt, a much more powerful European.
- The G20 ministers said they welcomed the measures "to increase the capacity and the flexibility of the EFSF [European Financial Stability Facility]".
- The EFSF has been used to fund bailout packages for Ireland and Portugal but there have been fears it will not be able to cope if it is needed to rescue larger economies such as Spain and Italy, both of which have had their credit ratings downgraded in recent weeks.
A European Union summit later this month will agree "decisive" measures to tackle the eurozone debt crisis, the French finance minister has said.
- The summit would give "clear answers", said Francois Baroin at the end of talks between ministers from the G20 group of nations in Paris.
- Central banks "would continue to supply banks with liquidity".
- Emerging economies - whose growth helped support the world economy during the global crisis - are starting to be affected by weaknesses in the advanced economies.
- Details of the rescue plan discussed in Paris include a bigger write-down than previously expected of Greek debt, a much more powerful European.
- The G20 ministers said they welcomed the measures "to increase the capacity and the flexibility of the EFSF [European Financial Stability Facility]".
- The EFSF has been used to fund bailout packages for Ireland and Portugal but there have been fears it will not be able to cope if it is needed to rescue larger economies such as Spain and Italy, both of which have had their credit ratings downgraded in recent weeks.
Who are the 1 Percent?
Every one know who are the 99 Percent that define the campers "Occupy Wall Street".
How could you define the 1 Percent.
Who are they for you? Just men and women who love money and just leave and work for?
Do they have conscience that they play with the system when they do exchange at the office?
How could you define the 1 Percent.
Who are they for you? Just men and women who love money and just leave and work for?
Do they have conscience that they play with the system when they do exchange at the office?
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