jeudi 2 juin 2011

How to Interview Internal Candidates

Is it purely for competences or just for an entreprise's image reason than employers try to recruit as much inside their own business than outside...

What an internal recruitment can give benefit against someone coming outside.

When they have to employ someone, many of employers have a look outside, job center for example, to have a view if someone have the competences. But many times, employers can have the good profile for a job inside the office.

The terms of employ agreement can change. It depends of recruitment.

How employers study recruitment profile to make their opinions and to be sur that they choose the best candidate for a job is in an office.

© A.Aufauvre

Link article, By Jeff Schmitt How to Interview Internal Candidates
"Even when there's little chance you'll choose the internal candidate, make the interview worthwhile for both of you—and avoid creating a disgruntled employee.
For many companies, interviewing internal candidates is a common courtesy. It reinforces an image that the playing field is level and everyone has a chance to move up. Even with the best intentions, most companies can't escape a precarious dichotomy. Most employees join companies hoping for something bigger. They make sacrifices, believing they'll eventually be rewarded. Deep inside, they measure themselves against that career clock, wondering if they've fallen behind. Conversely, employers have a role to fill. Mistakes are costly and companies lack the time, expertise, and support systems to help an emerging talent grow into the role.(...)"

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