vendredi 26 juillet 2013

Starbucks Adds Phone-Charging Stations. What's Next, Showers?

 Duracell Powermat and Starbucks expand wireless charging in the Silicon Valley area

Ever notice how you can always use the bathroom at a Starbucks?

Or hop on the free Wi-Fi, no questions asked?

In its continuing quest to provide more than coffee, some of the chain’s stores will now also charge your phone.

Last fall, 17 Starbucks shops in Boston placed Duracell Powermats on tables so customers could come in, plop their phones onto the mat (no wires required) and grab a drink while they waited for their devices to charge. 

Yesterday the company announced it is now adding Powermats to 10 or so stores in Silicon Valley.

Read more... Other locations will be listed on

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